The Effectiveness of Blue Light Acne Therapy
The Effectiveness of Blue Light Acne Therapy
Did somebody ever tell you that you have an enormous pimple on your nose? In these kinds of situations, all you can really do is nod your head and smirk. Some people apparently think that you don't actually know what's in the middle of your face. One of the primary reasons why we hate acne is the irksome reaction we get from others.
Fortunately, experts are now are coming out with new and better ways to deal with this common skin affliction. Blue light acne therapy is one of the products of their valiant efforts to stop the domination of acne. You should check this contemporary acne therapy out because it might just be the treatment that can end your acne woes.
Do you know anything about blue light acne therapy and other new skin treatment processes? I am getting more impressed with modern technology as time moves forward. For instance, we now have GPS systems that have taken the place of maps. The emergence of new innovations also extends to acne remedies.
We used to rely on topical creams such as Oxy10, Clearasil, and Noxzema pads. These products can hardly vie with what is out there today. We have developed such treatments as microderm abrasion, chemical peels, and blue light acne therapy in the last few years. These treatments are much more effective in treating our acne troubles.
A topical cream like Clearasil only dries out the pimples, while procedures such as microderm abrasion and blue light acne therapy will literally slough off all that pore-blocking dead skin. This will allow the fresh epidermis shine through. Clear, clean pores equal a pimple free complexion.
Do you want to have blue light acne therapy for your pimples? If you do, then you should hop online and start sorting through available locations and standard costs. Find a good dermatologist to complete your blue light acne therapy or other professional acne treatment. Your pimples will now be banished for eternity.
Which of the Four Classes of Acne Medication Is Right for You?
As if it weren't bad enough that you are constantly fighting acne outbreaks which sometime make your skin resemble a relief map of the Rocky Mountains, you are also faced with the possibility that if left untreated, your acne will lead to permanent scarring. But no one says life is fair, severe acne requires severe measures to treat it.
You need to consult with a dermatologist regarding the acne medication which can best handle your outbreaks. The acne medication which he or she prescribes will, almost certainly, attack your acne on two fronts: it will decrease your skin's production of excess oil, and it will help your skin shed the dead skin cells which clog its pores and allow acne-causing bacteria to thrive.
But your doctor may also prescribe an antibiotic to help alleviate your current outbreak and reduce the chances of future ones. The best acne medication for you will be determined by your skin's specific needs, but it will be taken from one of four classes of acne medication.
o A topical acne medication may not only reduce your skin's oil production and eliminate dead skin cells, but also contain an anti-bacterial compound A topical acne medication is likely to contain among its active ingredients benzyl peroxide, sulfur, salicylic acid, or resorcinol.
A topical acne medication is the preferred treatment for those suffering only mild acne outbreaks, and most topical treatments are available without a doctor's prescription. They are sold in different strengths, so that you can start with the weakest and minimize their possible drying effects on your skin. They have been proven to be very safe acne medications.
o An antibiotic acne medication is often prescribed for tougher cases of acne. Tests have shown that antibiotics are powerful weapons against the bacteria which create acne inflammation, and an antibiotic, once prescribed as an acne medication, is usually taken for an extended period. Some people complement the use of their oral antibiotics with an antibiotic topical lotion.
o The third type of acne medication, Isotretinoin, is reserved for the most severe outbreaks which have produced cysts. The use of Isotretinoin, however, must be monitored closely by the prescribing physician, because its effectiveness against acne is sometimes accompanied by unpleasant side effects. It is not safe for pregnant women or people with high cholesterol, because it can cause birth defects and increase in the blood triglyceride levels.
o Finally, oral contraceptives are often prescribes as acne medication. Norgestimate and ethinyl estradiol seem to be the most effective at alleviating the symptoms of acne, but they too can have serious side effects. Women considering their use should make a point of discussing these possible complications with their doctors.
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