The moisturizing property of Olive oil helps it be suitable for this purpose
Home Remedies For Acne Scars
Nobody likes staring at the mirror hours on end and wanting to know who the person looking back is. Well, were it not for the scars that seem to be like points on a topographical map, no pun intended, you can simply accept that the individual looking back is in fact you.
Acne can really get discomforting, especially when it's full blown and severe, all over the face, down your back to upper chest and shoulders. You for that reason need home remedies to clear acne scarring. The treatments are known as home since they are cheap and easy to come up with.
The magic of fresh limes and lemons
It is all about the squeeze. Wash fresh lemons in flowing water to reduce bacteria and then slice them up. Squeeze the fruit juice out into a clean bowl. Using a cotton swab, dub the juice straight on your acne scars. Do not off right away, let the juice penetrate into the pores and skin.
Clean off with plenty of water after a while. This juice improves the dark scars and spots by taking away the dark tint.
Rosewater and Sandalwood
It is not necessary to attend a chemistry course to make this paste. The components are affordable and easily accessible. Combine rosewater and sandalwood to make a fine paste which you can use as a facial mask. Immediately apply the mask on the scarred region and leave it for more than an hour.
If it is possible, put on the mask during sleep. The cooling and soothing effect of sandalwood on the skin helps with the fight against acne scars. Just remember to clean the mask entirely with lots of water.
Tomatoes for your face
In case you believed that tomatoes were only used in salads, then you certainly are new to the acne fighting techniques. Tomatoes have been used for some time to cope with acne scars with good results. This is because tomatoes are rich in crucial vitamins.
Tomatoes contain the all time important vitamin A which inhibits extreme production of sebum which is the root cause of acne. The vitamin also renews damaged and scarred skin since it is an antioxidant. All you need is to slice up tomatoes and place them on your face.
Have diverse uses for olive oil
Olive oil does an awesome work in improving the taste of meals. It does even a better job in enhancing the appearance of a damaged skin. Find your way to your cabinet and pour some olive oil in your hand right after cleaning your face. Massage the oil on the scarred skin.
The moisturizing property of Olive oil helps it be suitable for this purpose.
From sting to beauty
Honey is a natural moisturizer. Apply honey to the face directly or use acne scar treatment which is orally administered. Honey does wonders.
Let the ice do the job for you
Ice soothes the irritated scarred skin. Massage a few ice cubes over the area and get relief.
Home remedies for acne scars demands for effective. Try them for a shiny skin.
How To Get Rid Of Acne Scars
Having acne scars is like having bad credit, hard to get rid of... but not impossible.
Perhaps one of the most difficult effects of acne is the physical scarring it can leave behind. There are many forms of acne which can leave scars, but the more severe types can leave very visible scars that won't go away on their own. You have to try to avoid getting scars altogether.
But how? Easier said than done.
There are things you can do to actively avoid these scars. First and foremost, learn how to properly cleanse your skin. A second thing to consider is to not pop your zits at all. What? Yes. Popping the zits leaves behind the very scars you are trying to get rid of. No use of working against yourself...
Don't get me wrong. Following the first two suggestion doesn't mean scars won't develop. This is especially true in more severe types of acne where the lesions are on the skin for longer periods of time than in milder forms. For example, in cystic acne, the nodules or cysts can stay on the skin for weeks, or even months, and can leave behind very noticeable scars.
Different types of acne scars require different treatments. Here are the four basic types of acne scars:
1) Ice pick scars are characterized by the appearance of deep pits on the skin and are most common in a sign of classic acne scarring.
2) Boxcar scars are angular scars, usually occurring on the temple and cheeks, and can be superficial or deep. They are also very similar to the scars left by Chickenpox.
3) Rolling scars give the skin a wave-like appearance.
4) Hypertrophic scars are thickened scars, and may be associated with some of the more severe types of acne.
A combination of treatments are available. Treatment for acne scarring also depends on the type of scars you have, as well as your skin type. The face tends to respond to acne scar treatments the best. For some reason, the back and chest do not respond as well to treatment. In some cases the scar can be removed by laser treatment, but this is only in more serious cases where the scars are deep.
One of the best ways to prevent acne scarring is to prevent acne. That means you to have to take the steps to fight and prevent this condition will minimize the chance for scarring. Also treating the acne as quickly as possible can lessen the change of those lingering acne scars.
It is extremely important for you to understand your skin type, type of acne. Understanding the type of scarring associated with you is also important. If you treat your particular type of acne from the onset, thereby, also working to prevent additional breakouts and problems, you can prevent the formation of deep, lasting scars.
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